Boulder, Colorado



If you’ve ever had a collective healing experience, you know the power of group work firsthand. It’s one thing to do our individual work, it’s a whole other level of healing when you engage in group work.

Offering a powerful hypnotherapy group experience or transformative retreat is a great way to share your gifts with the world in a bigger way. It also has some great business advantages too.

Working in groups allows you to work with more people in the same amount of time that it would usually take to work with one person. This allows you to have a greater healing impact on your clients, your community, and the world.

It also allows you to make more money.

Who doesn’t want to make more money and work less and still deliver powerful transformational healing experiences?

It’s important as healers that we take time for ourselves and to enjoy our own lives. This actually makes us better hypnotherapists. So you see, working with groups has big advantages all around.

How to Fill Your Hypnotherapy Groups and Retreats

Now that you have created your hypnotherapy group content or retreat experience, you are ready to open the doors to enrollment.

This is a very exciting time! Who will come? How many people will register? I can’t wait to see who shows up!

These are just some of the many thoughts that can run through your head as you open registration. But how are you going to fill your transformational group or retreat?

Have you thought about the ways can you fill your hypnotherapy group or retreat?

The easiest way to fill your hypnotherapy group or retreat is with your individual hypnotherapy clients.

Since your clients already know you and love working with you and they know hypnotherapy and love the power of this healing modality, they will be the simplest to enroll in your group.

You don’t need to introduce yourself, they already know you are an expert.

You don’t need to bust all the myths of hypnotherapy, they already know firsthand the power of the work.

It really is a no-brainer…Unless you are struggling to fill your hypnotherapy practice and aren’t quite sure how to attract new hypnotherapy clients.

If so, this is where you need to start if one of your end goals is offering hypnotherapy groups or retreats.

Where are You at Building Your Hypnotherapy Practice?

1. Just starting from scratch
2. Moving online from in person
3. Loving online and want to stay online

Are you struggling to start or fill your hypnotherapy practice?

Does marketing your hypnotherapy practice feel daunting or scary?

Are you ready to work from home and be your own boss but don’t know how to make the leap?

Do you feel called to offer hypnotherapy groups and retreats online, but don’t know how to fill your programs?

Welcome to the Business of Hypnotherapy Intensive.

During this two-day training, you will discover the number one technique to consistently increase your online presence to get more clients.

You will gain the confidence needed to take your first step toward gaining authentic expert status.

And you’ll finally learn how to make it easy for your ideal client to find you online to experience true business success.

If you’re ready to get 5-10 new private pay hypnotherapy clients each month, join the Business of Hypnotherapy Intensive.

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