Boulder, Colorado



[Self-Hypnosis] I Protect My Emotions

[Self-Hypnosis] I Protect My Emotions

I protect my emotions.

The emotions I experience are normal. I realize that I have a right to feel however I feel.

Usually, I am upbeat and satisfied with how my day goes.

Yet, there are times when certain events occur which set my emotions in a direction that lacks positivity.

Sometimes, I feel hurt about something someone says to me. They may treat me in a way that annoys me. Perhaps I notice something unexpected that triggers feelings of disappointment or anger.

When these situations occur, I remind myself that such events are a part of life and that I am the only one responsible for how I feel.

I consciously decide to adjust my feelings. I have confidence that I can control my emotions when a situation requires it.

In an uncomfortable situation, I can protect myself by quietly leaving the room. I can excuse myself to get a beverage or I can mention there is something I must take care of.

Refraining from making comments regarding the triggering event is usually best for me. This allows me to avoid further negative feelings of distress.

Today, I know I can take useful steps to protect my feelings.

My perseverance and strength of character ensure I can turn uncomfortable emotions into positive ones.

I live a contented life because I protect my emotions when it is necessary.

Self-Reflection Questions

1. How often do I find myself feeling upset about something that happened in my day?

2. What steps do I take to protect my emotional self when such events occur?

3. How can I change how I react to negative situations?

[Self-Hypnosis] I Am Filled With Gratitude For Today

[Self-Hypnosis] I Am Filled With Gratitude For Today

I am filled with gratitude for today.

I have plenty of reasons to feel grateful each day. I find beauty in many simple things in life. I can enjoy a sunrise, sunset, or a good book. I am grateful for the nature I see and experience each day.

Life provides endless opportunities to feel grateful every day.

Today is a great day to work on enhancing my life. I have many opportunities for self-enhancement. I can use today to better my life and become the person I want to be.

I am grateful for my friends and family. I am loved! I have other people to love. I have people I can count on. My friends and family are a huge source of gratitude and appreciation.

I am grateful for my health. My health might be short of perfection, but it could be much worse. I am grateful for all the things my mind and body are able to do. I enjoy using my mind and body in a variety of ways to enjoy my life and accomplish my goals.

Today, I appreciate all the things, people, and capabilities I have in my life. I am dedicating today to feeling grateful and expressing my gratitude. I am filled with gratitude today.

Self-Reflection Questions

1. What can I choose to be grateful about in my life right now? What is great about my life?

2. What would I be grateful for if I had it in my life? What do I believe my life is lacking?

3. If I chose to feel grateful each day, how would that affect my outlook on life?

I Accept My Emotions And Allow Them To Serve Their Purpose

I Accept My Emotions And Allow Them To Serve Their Purpose

I accept my emotions and allow them to serve their purpose.

My emotions inform me that what I am doing or considering is worthy of further investigation. That is their only purpose. When something makes me feel good, I should figure out why. When something makes me feel bad, I should figure out why.

My emotions can lead me astray. That is why I refuse to allow my emotions to make decisions for me. My emotions simply inform me that I need to take a closer look.

The emotion of fear can cause me to miss out on many wonderful experiences and opportunities. When I feel fear, I take a rational look at the situation and decide if my feelings of fear are justified.

Pleasure can cause me to do silly things that make my future more challenging. When I feel pleasure, I take a rational look at the situation and decide if I am making the correct decision.

My emotions serve me. I avoid allowing my emotions to control me. My emotions are simply an alarm bell. I choose to make my final decisions with my intellect.

Today, I make good use of my emotions. I appreciate and accept my emotions, but I use logic and rational thinking to make decisions. I am an intelligent person, and I make excellent decisions.

Self-Reflection Questions

1. When have I made a decision based on my reactivity and shot myself in the foot? 

2. When have I done something that felt good in the short-term, but made my life more difficult in the long-term?

3. If I made my decisions from a balanced perspective, how would my life change?



[Self-Hypnosis] Managing How I Respond To Stress Is Key To My Peace Of Mind

[Self-Hypnosis] Managing How I Respond To Stress Is Key To My Peace Of Mind

Managing how I respond to stress is key to my peace of mind.

Each day brings its share of stressful situations. I understand that I am unable to control what happens to me, but I am resolute in managing how I respond to situations.

This approach contributes to my continuing peace of mind. My reaction to situations dictates how well I am able to combat stress.

I know it is easy to get caught up in difficult situations at work. External factors can make my workplace untenable.

But I learn to separate the situation from the reaction. It is important to me to display a positive attitude to unfavorable circumstances.

I am convinced that how I respond determines the impact on my health and well-being.

There are times when stressful situations get the best of me. When that happens, I counteract that feeling with healthy activities.

Exercise at the end of a hard day makes me feel very relaxed.

Meditation and pampering also help me to unwind and release stress.

I treat myself to a long soak in the tub after a rough day.

Pampering helps me to forget the cares of my world.

Today, I manage my response to stress with positive techniques that work well for me.

Living a less stressful life keeps me youthful and vibrant. I want to maintain my peace of mind, so I do what is necessary for that to happen.

Self-Reflection Questions

1. How do I cope with stressful situations?

2. Do I rely on the support of others to get through a challenging time?

3. How can I lessen the impact of a stressful issue?

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